
Theme: Pedagogy

“Ipsa scientia potestas est. Knowledge itself is power.” Attributed to Sir Francis Bacon In The Advancement of Learning (1605), lawyer, statesman, philosopher, and lord chancellor of England, Sir Francis Bacon, charted the map of knowledge: history…

Thrill of the Upskill

Be it crocheting, learning French, teaching your new pooch to staaaaaaay, or finally learning how to make your own website, COVID-19 is proving to be a popular time to up-skill!…

Practice What you Teach


The Australian education system is under the microscope with curriculum, methods of learning, a casualised tertiary academic workforce, fees and funding models up for review.

Underground Movement

Founded in 2017, the University of the Underground is a free, transnational university based in the basement of nightclubs – with headquarters in Amsterdam and London. Supporting countercultures, experimental practices…
learning environments

Learning Reimagined

Gone are the lino floors, rows of graffitied desks and ceilings covered in spit balls. Modern classrooms are an exercise in innovative design –  havens to foster effective learning. With…
Gene Sherman

Profile: Dr Gene Sherman

“Universities represent the most meaningful pillars of my life. Education is what drives me; both the learning that I’m able to deliver to others, and equally, or perhaps even more…
Marina Go

Marina Go


Never one to be idle, we speak with the ever-moving Marina Go.


Art and The Heart


We hope you enjoy this edition, a tribute to the Arts – which enable us to find ourselves and lose ourselves (Thomas Merton), and the artists – who make life more bearable (Kurt Vonnegut) and help us see ourselves in things that are not us (Chuck Klosterman).