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Future Workforce: The Millenials

The Millenials – a cohort typically defined as those born between 1980 and 2001, also known as Generation Y. They are the constantly connected, digitally savvy, bright eyed generation whose influence is presently expanding within the workforce. Time Magazine labelled them as the most narcissistic, or the ‘Me Me Me Generation‘, and The Wall Street Journal said they have high expectations and a rich sense of entitlement. Millenials rode along the wave of the information revolution, and with it have brought new ideas into the workplace, all the while forcing a general shift in the way we work. The Millennials have called for a more social workplace, where they can interact on a personal, not just professional level.

In a survey conducted by MTV in 2012 entitled ‘No Collar Workers’, 88% of respondents said they would like their co workers to also be their friends. The idea that work and life should be separate, segregated or even balanced out is old hat – Gen Y wants a lifestyle where one can mix and mould easily with the other. Millenials are also demanding more flexible workplace solutions – 81% of survey participants said they would like to be able to set their own hours, and 70% said they needed ‘me time’ while at work (compared with only 39% of Generation X). Millenials are also in search of work that is meaningful – they are not captious or fussy, rather they want to be able to forge a deep connection with their work. 89% of Millenials felt it was important to be constantly inspired, engaged and learning on the job.

survey conducted by PwC found that, ‘Millennials expect to work hard, but they don’t want to sit in a bland cubicle all day. They’re drawn to organisations that offer a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere that creatively blends work and life.’ The Office Space has built an ideal and adaptable environment for this future workforce – a convivial and social space supported through our internal and external community and in house programming, flexible office options to adapt to flexible working hours, a thoughtfully designed and beautifully appointed space to encourage creativity, and meaningful and inspiring interactions through cultural events and educational seminars.

For more information email [email protected].

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