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Introducing the Gross National Happiness at The Office Space

The Office Space has a vision of ‘elevating the significance of the workplace in our society’. Through our boutique office space and community offerings, we strive to be an essential microcosm of society that is connected, commercially savvy, culturally aware and collectively responsible. We were fortunate to secure an audience with the CEO of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness Centre, Dr Saamdu Chetri, whilst he was in Australia for a series of keynote addresses. You can watch this intimate presentation with Dr Saamdu Chetri here. Following the deep and resonant insights from Dr Saamdu, The Office Space is committed to applying the principles of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness (GNH) philosophy across our business culture and practices. We will be working with Humankind Enterprises as the founding platform to launch GNH into Australia and look forward to sharing these principles with our office clients. Humankind Enterprises have identified the following goals to address through this project:

  • Evaluate how TOS business currently fairs against the GNH model;
  • Introduce GNH into the hearts and mindsets of The Office Space staff;
  • Look for opportunities to share GNH internally and outwardly to clients, partners and the broader public;
  • To create systems and processes to embed and operationalise GNH framework into the business;
  • Design and deliver creative interventions that communicate GNH and how individuals and The Office Space client businesses can adopt it;
  • Continue to up skill The Office Space staff to cleverly and creatively disseminate GNH into culture, planning, and policies.

Through this important work, we aspire to make our workplaces, our staff, and our clients happier and be an example of how GNH be introduced into business in a sustainable way, adapting it to the context and working environment of The Office Space. We hope to position The Office Space as a leader with human-centred values at our core. Keen to know more? Email us at [email protected] or subscribe to our newsletter here

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