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Insight: Generation Nation

For the first time in history, five generations will soon be working side by side. Each group has its own distinct characteristics, values, and attitudes toward work, which create both challenges and opportunities. This November The Office Space is looking at the Multigenerational Workplace.  We have invited a Millennial, a Gen’Xer and a Pre-Baby Boomer (who is also a generational expert) to take the stage and discuss how they see the world and how they interact within the workplace. Our esteemed guests are:

  • Danling Xiao (Millennial): Chinese-born Australian artist, designer, social entrepreneur, sustainability advocate and founder of Mundane Matters;
  • Will Alexander (Gen X): co-founder and executive producer of creative agency and post production house Heckler;
  • Hugh Mackay AO (Pre-Baby Boomer): one of the country’s most esteemed social researchers, generational expert, psychologist, author and journalist, and former teacher

Copies of Hugh’s 19th book Australia Reimagined (Pan Macmillan AU) will be available for purchase and signing on the night.

When: Tuesday 27th November, from 5:15-5:45 for drinks in the bar, 5:45-7pm for panel discussion in the cinema (Note the earlier start time)

Where: Golden Age Cinema, 80 Commonwealth Street, Surry Hills

Cost: Tickets $25 + GST (includes welcome drink and light canapes)   BOOK NOW

About Insight by The Office Space. Now in its fourth year of production, Insight by The Office Space is a business talk series that brings together innovative entrepreneurs and business leaders to explore burgeoning topics and reveal the secrets of their success under a monthly theme. Traversing all aspects of business across the fields of design, film, innovation, technology, finance and marketing, the program has featured speakers such as Susie Porter, Del Kathryn Barton, Vince Frost, Jan Chapman and Counsellor Jess Scully. Insight proudly supports the Sydney Community Foundation with full proceeds from ticket sales going directly to the SCF Business Incubator for disadvantaged women. For more information, please contact Naomi Tosic at [email protected] or 02 82182100.  For 2018 Insight program information, please Click Here.

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