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Equip: Build Your Business Community

Quiip partners with Australia’s leading brands for online community and social media success. The company’s made up of a cohort of Australia’s most experienced community managers, who can help to build and grow your business via a strong community, as well as engage and support that community. Quiip are also long term members of The Office Space community—as one of our many multifaceted Virtual Office businesses. And during the month of September, Quiip will be offering residents of The Office Space a free 1-hour community building consultation. More details are below. To find out more about the business, and their efforts in building communities online, we met up with Quiip CEO, Alison Michalk.

The Office Space: Please tell us a little about Quiip.

Alison Michalk, Quiip CEO: Quiip is a specialist social media and online community service-based business. We connect people and communities to do business better. Our clients range from Coca-Cola and AGL through to purpose-driven organisations such as beyondblue and Movember.
TOS: You are strongly involved in community building – especially online.  What is the importance of these communities as traditional community structures like the RSL club, Church halls and even traditional workplaces become less prominent?
AM: The distinction between on and offline has been eroded, especially with younger generations. So online communication, connection, social bonding, knowledge sharing, collaboration and more is accelerated online due to not being restrained by physical location or time.
TOS: What is the role and the responsibility of the community founder/moderator?
AM: We see Community Managers as being facilitators and guardians of online spaces. We actually place a lot of importance on their role to create safe and welcoming spaces online, especially because platforms such as Facebook traditionally put the responsibility back on users. Last year we co-created an industry Code of Ethics with Sydney university to help guide community and social media managers in their online dealings.
TOS: Quiip has a great team of social media and community experts but you often work across different locations and even time zones.  What tools do you use to stay connected? 
AM: We use over 10 different platforms to run the business. The primary one is Facebook’s Workplace which is our ESN (enterprise social network). We use Asana for project management, 15Five for team reports, WIW for rostering, Canva for design and the list truly goes on. We love Workplace though, it really is our ‘office’. TOS: You’ve been a Virtual Office client with The Office Space for an incredible 7 years! What do you love about the TOS community? AM: I love the space and if I was based in Sydney, I’d move in! It’s been really helpful not only have the Surry Hills address but the ability to meet clients and host events at Reservoir St. It’s a beautiful inspiring space and we hope to be a virtual resident for at least another 7 years!

What: In the Month of Sepetember, you can book in a 1-hour community consultation with Quiip, free of charge. How: Email Alison to discuss a time to suit: [email protected] Hurry! This offer is only valid to redeem in September. Want more? Stay in touch and subscribe to our monthly newsletter here.

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