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Table by The Office Space: Gratia

The Office Space is serving gratitude with a side of lunch at this month’s Table, with food coming from Gratia. Gratia is a newly opened Surry Hills café, on the corner of Bourke and Albion St that dedicates 100% of its earnings to Charity. 50% to it’s own foundation, Pure Foundation, and 50% to a charity of choice.

Together with Gratia, we’ll put on a lunch at both our Reservoir and Paramount locations, with all proceeds going to the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, a foundation working with at risk or in crisis Vietnamese children.

On April 22nd, at 12.30PM there will be a communal lunch at Reservoir in the boardroom, and an ‘at your desk’ lunch box service at Paramount.

Office residents, keep your eyes peeled for the menu, and don’t forget to place your order on the 18th!

The reception team at both locations will be in touch via email, to make sure you don’t miss out.

What: Table by The Office Space
When: 12.30PM, April 22
Where: Both Reservoir and Paramount
RSVP: [email protected] All images sourced from Time Out

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