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Insight by The Office Space: 2018 Program

Now in its fourth year of production, Insight by The Office Space is a business talk series that brings together innovative entrepreneurs and business leaders to explore burgeoning topics and reveal the secrets of their success under a monthly theme. Traversing all aspects of business across the fields of design, film, innovation, technology, finance and marketing, the sell-out program has featured speakers such as Susie Porter, Del Kathryn Barton, Vince Frost, Jan Chapman and Counsellor Jess Scully. Click here for the Insight Information pack. Insight proudly supports the Sydney Community Foundation (SCF) with full proceeds from ticket sales going directly to the SCF Business Incubator for disadvantaged women. In 2018, the Foundation’s influential “Conversations or Change” event series merges with the popular Insight event program to give greater voice to contemporary issues relevant to all of us who live local in Sydney and beyond. Insight is hosted on the last Tuesday of the month (with the exception of the women’s March high tea event), in the Golden Age Bar and Cinema.  Enjoy a free welcome drink and canapes from 5:30, ahead of a 6-7pm Insight panel interview in the cinema. With 90 guest speakers over the last three years, there has been no shortage of inspiring, insightful, revealing and surprising moments. This year’s line up again raises the bar.   Insight by The Office Space 2018 program 

  • The Future of the Workplace (FEBRUARY) explores how technology, design and sociology are all converging to create new iterations of the workplace;
  • Women in Business (MARCH) is a special high-tea event, featuring three inspiring women from a diverse range of personal and business backgrounds from politics to fashion;
  • The Business of Words (APRIL) coincides with the Sydney Writers’ Festival) and showcases a panel of communications experts from the TV, mass communications and literary arenas;
  • The Business of Brand (MAY) will look at the increasing importance of brand in the ever expanding, increasingly competitive business environment. Join a brand strategist, luxury brand designer and brand “evangelist” in discussing brand building;
  • The Film Business (JUNE), in collaboration with the Sydney Film Festival,  interviews an actor, a director and a producer shed light on all aspects of the business of Film;
  • The Business of Cryptocurrency (JULY) promises to explain and explore the concept and reality of bitcoin and digital currencies with some real life Crypto-millionaires and a blockchain programmer;
  • The Business of Marketing (AUGUST) brings a panel of talent panel of talent from some of Sydney’s top creative, strategic and digital agencies to discuss various aspects of marketing from networking to pitching, SEO and digital media strategies;
  • The Business of Design (SEPTEMBER) investigates the discipline and the lifestyle from different fields such as fashion, architecture, industrial and graphic;
  • The Business of Innovation (OCTOBER) coincides with the Spark Festival Sydney and shares insights from tech start-up success stories emerging from the vibrant entrepreneurial community, while the final topic for 2018;
  • The Business of Ethics (NOVEMBER) looks into the philosophy behind ethics, morality in the work place.

For more information, please contact Naomi Tosic at [email protected] or 02 82182100. For past INSIGHT highlights CLICK HERE

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