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In Residence: W3IP

We catch up with our newest Virtual Office client, W3IP law. This Queensland based company specialises in working with creators, inventors and startups with a focus on all legal aspects of branding and protecting intellectual property to position businesses for long-term success.

The Office Space: Can you tell us about W3IP and what you do?

W3IP Law director, Kim Walters: W3IP Law is an intellectual property law practice which specialises in digital business and helping online business with IP, technology and Internet law. We have extensive experience in the process of protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights and can assist with trade marks, copyright, designs, patents, domain names, confidentiality and trade secrets. Our focus is on Internet business and the legal aspects of maintaining a business website including e-commerce terms, website branding and development, commercialisation, licensing agreements, data protection and privacy policies. We advise on all aspects of electronic commerce, applying law to the world wide web and making contracts electronically.

TOS: What’s unique about your approach to intellectual property?

KW: We specialise in working with creators, inventors and startups with a focus on all legal aspects of branding and protecting intellectual property to position businesses for long-term success.

TOS: What are some of the most significant changes you’ve noticed in intellectual property law over the last decade?

KW: We are all part of an international community in which the current process of globalisation has seen extraordinary flows of new information and communication technologies. The changes in computer and communications technology mean that to be competitive business must be engaged in the new global creative economies. The increasing harmonisation of global intellectual property law has been fundamental in driving and protecting innovation and breakthrough technologies.

TOS: What’s next for W3IP? In 2016, W3IP Law will focus on building a business that embraces the following values: Empowerment: we will empower people with the confidence to confront issues. Communication: we will engage in open communication, sharing information and creating positivity. Respect: we will value people for their ideas/goals and encourage their contributions. Equality: we will treat people equally and fairly with equal access to opportunities. Relationships: we will work together with and be trusted long term advisors to our clients. Service: we will assist clients to make smart, informed decisions. Accessibility: we will be accessible to our clients and respond to their needs quickly. Care: we will care about our client’s business and help drive their business to succeed.

TOS: You’re new to The Office Space. What are you looking forward to here?

KW: We look forward to getting to know and forming part of the community in the coming years.

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In Residence: Q5
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Business Trends to Watch in 2016

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