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Michael Gebicki

What is the most bizarre item banned by airlines? Why do aircraft travel faster when flying east?  Can someone open an airline door during flight?

Michael “The Tripologist” Gebicki answers these questions and more in the Tripologist column for Traveller on Sunday as well as the ‘Wonders of the World’ column in Traveller on Saturday. A Sydney-based writer and photographer, Michael has been writing about travel since 1982. “The freedom and the sense of the unexpected that travel brings are still powerful motivators and writing about it gives me a licence to poke around in odd corners of the world,” he says.

Editorial about flying internationally is one of the highest trending topics for Traveller, however Michael also explores the quirky and unusual sides of global travel such as the ridiculous things people do with hotel appliances, and what happens to all the half-used bars of soap left in hotel rooms.  With one of the most enviable jobs on the planet, he has been luxury camping in Morocco’s Sahara Desert dunessearching for the “Prince of Darkness’ in Botswana, and even given up his breakfast strawberries for the Prince of Wales in Transylvania in a quest to share the mysteries of exotic and home grown destinations.

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